40+ Difference Between “Old Money” & “New Money” That Are Actually Very Intriguing

This article appeared in www.sneakertoast.com and has been published here with permission.
Old vs. New Money

There are a few people who are privileged enough to call themselves rich. However, the stories of how they got their money can vary. Some come from old money that their family has had for generations while others found wealth during their lifetime. These people all noticed a few differences between what’s classified as “old money” versus what you might consider “new money” and couldn’t help but share their observations.

Showing Off

When it comes to new money, if there’s one thing that tips this person off, it’s spending lavishly on big brands. In general, the concept here is all about showing off.

Showing Off

Now that this person has money, they want to make sure other people know it. In this day and age, a huge designer logo is a pretty easy way to advertise that you can afford something that other people aspire to.

Another Way to Brag

While using your fashion to talk for you is one way to establish a visible symbol of your wealth, there are some people who prefer a verbal approach.

Another Way to Brag

In this person’s experience, people who came from new money were much more likely to be flashy and show off the things they bought. They also noticed that perspective seemed to carry over to bragging about their wealth and how much they spend.

The General Attitude

How you carry yourself refers to your poise and general attitude. For some, you can read something about someone’s mood or even personality in how they moved.

The General Attitude

In general, the OP noticed that people who are categorized as “new money” are more likely to peacock around. On the contrary, people who come from family money are more likely to refrain from this behavior. After all, they don’t need to prove their place.

That’s Not Always How it Goes

Of course, people vary and a lot determines their behavior outside of wealth. So, what one person noticed might differ from what someone else has seen.

That’s Not Always How it Goes

From this person’s experience, it’s the older money that often leads to more entitled behavior. After all, they’ve never lived on the other side of the division they’re accustomed to, so they expect a lot just by custom.