45 Screenshots of Absolutely Unhinged Messages on Dating Apps That Made Us Very Glad Not to Be Single

Dating nowadays is hard. There are so few ways to meet people organically that we turn to dating apps, but they’re not great, either. At least there are screenshots to prove it’s not our fault. We’ve compiled a list of totally unhinged message exchanges that took place on dating apps — and honestly, these messages are so bad, you’ll never want to date again!

Uber Eats Her Breakfast

Some girls are used to using flirting and their looks to get stuff for free. Whether it's free drinks or free meals, a lot of guys are starting to catch on and aren't putting up with it.

Girls still try, though, like this one. You've got to be pretty unhinged to ask a guy for free food and not even share the meal with him! One has to wonder if this has actually worked for her in the past.

Looking to Play in Secret

When talking to someone on a dating app, you're only seeing the parts of their life that they want you to see. It can be tricky to filter out the ones trying to use apps to cheat on their partners.

Sure, honesty is the best policy and all, but being so honest about what he's trying to do shows that he has absolutely no shame. It's cute that he tries to downplay the seriousness by calling it "playing in secret."

Why Can’t You Speak?

Not everyone functions on the same daily schedule as other people. There are morning people and night owls, there are those who work night shifts that sleep during the day, and so many other unique situations.

He texted her first at three o'clock in the morning, then at eight (at which point many people still aren't up), and then really had the nerve to get mad at her? You've got to be pretty unhinged to expect everyone to text you whenever you decide is convenient.

Explain and Justify

Guys are weird when it comes to video games. A lot of them seem to think that girls couldn't possibly be interested in learning about them, let alone playing them, and they couldn't be more wrong.

All she did was try to connect with him over something he says he likes, and he shut her down so fast that we highly doubt she even responded to this message. What exactly does he want to talk to her about if not his interests?