25+ People Are Sharing Infuriating Stories About Out-of-Touch Rich Students at Their Expensive Schools

When you go to school, unfortunately not every student has access to the same doors and experiences that can come with wealth. It's easy to fall into your ways and lose touch with reality if you aren't careful. These rich students stunned their peers with how out of touch they could sometimes be.

Wait, What?

There are a lot of times that it's not something particularly entitled that a rich student says that gets under their peers' skin.

Wait, What?

This person probably wouldn't have even known that she was friends with a rich student if they hadn't had this conversation. Her best friend just happened to casually share a fact about her life that this person wasn't really expecting to hear - there was nothing particularly entitled about it.

Guys, the FAFSA

If you're the average college student in the United States, you're going to need to make sure you fill out your financial aid paperwork in time if you want to be ready for the next semester.

Guys, the FAFSA

This person was definitely ready when the FAFSA opened. Of course, they didn't want their friends to forget while everyone was on a busy college schedule. Much to their surprise, none of their friends were worried about it in the slightest.

Not a Common Problem

A boarding school already often appeals to wealthier families. They often cost much more because they're often private schools and you have to pay for room and board, of course.

Not a Common Problem

When this person was working at a boarding school, they were caught by surprise one night when a student needed help with their paperwork. It was her question that really caught them off-guard too. This isn't a totally common problem.

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa

If you were looking for some truly entitled behavior from rich students, this story definitely fits the bill for those requirements.

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa

For most people, a free $1400 is a lot for one weekend. Blowing that much in a single afternoon is almost impressive - or reckless. The really entitled part here is the way he reacted when his mom wasn't about to replenish the money that weekend because "Friday doesn't count as part of the weekend."